Full Cycle Solutions


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Posts tagged project management
Great Expectations

This past weekend I was out with my wife and son and we were desperate.  For food, that is.  Everyone was hungry so we made the decision to turn right into the first restaurant we came to.  And low and behold, it was a glorious Greek pizza joint.

As I pulled into the parking lot two minivans were unloading a family with three (maybe four) generations.  Babies, grandparents with walkers, you name it, they had Greek pizza on their mind.  As we got inside, the large party had just been seated and the waitress/manager/hostess/takeout handler came to us flustered, but polite, and told us it would be a few minutes before she could seat us.

She got to us and when we sat down, she pointed out that another large group had just come in before us.  She was the only one working out front on Saturday afternoon and was hustling.  She told us she'd do her best but she had their orders in front of us.  We were hungry, perhaps almost hangry, but she got us drinks and kept letting us know where we were in the queue.

This was a great example of setting clear expectations.  She let us know the deal before we even sat down and gave us an easy out.  As our experience continued she gave clear updates and let us know what to expect.  I was quite content the entire time and didn't notice any lack of service.  Which is the point.  When we got back int he car my wife was the one that pointed out the exemplary service and expectation setting.  

We all can learn in our everyday interactions how to improve customer service.  From landscapers to baristas, watch what works and what doesn't work.  Translating those small skills - smiles, clear diction, follow up emails.  The list goes on but it is one of the easiest ways for us to improve the fundamentals of customer service by watching our B2C interactions as consumers.

And for the record, I got an unbelievable calzone.